Yesterday was Saturday and once again I find myself playing poker at the Golden Nugget on Fremont Street. The conversation somehow turns to the Duke. The Golden Nugget is a favorite spot of the Duke and a number of the players had exchanged chips with him in the past. As if on cue, in walks the Duke. As always Duke is dressed to the nines. As fate would have it, he gets a seat at my table. He brings a rack of $500 chips over and anounces that he has $100,000 behind. He opens his violine case and places bundle after bundle of $100 bills on the table. If you ever meet the Duke you will find him very friendly and gracious. After greeting the table, the Duke hold court. Person after person stops by to pay their respects to the Duke. A crowd gathers at the rail to watch him play. The last time I played at the Duke's table he stayed one orbit and did not play a hand. This time he played and he took alot of my chips.
He had recently played a hand for his life when several people attemted to rob and kill him. They were unsuccessful. He spent some time in the hospital as a result of the attack. He assured me that he is 100% back in the game. His attackers will spend much more time in jail. The Duke played for about an hour. He then took my chips and his $100,000 and when in search of another game.
For related Post on my blog see Sam O'Connor's interview of the Duke of Fremont Street
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